$ 30.00

űFrom The 1914 comes Chaos. Created by Brad Addams and taught by Dee Christopher.

Catch a selected card from the deck with no controls, sleights or moves, no thread, no magnets, no external gimmicks or hook-ups.

Perform the effect completely surrounded and with zero reset.

There have been card catch effects in the past involving tricky sleight of hand or various hook-ups, with Chaos you can eliminate the difficulty and set-up. Everything is completely self contained, so as long as your chaos deck is in your pocket, you're set to go and create this devastating demonstration of skill.

  • Comes with a tuition DVD in a stylish digipak and a custom Bicycle deck.
  • Perform Surrounded.
  • No short and long cards, no clipped corners or any other kind of location device.
  • Instant Reset.
  • Easy to do.
  • You could perform most of, if not all of your other card effects with the chaos deck.
  • Comes with a bonus effect.
  • DVD contains live performances, a studio performance, to-cam performances and step by step expert tuition with multiple angles and close ups.
"To say this thing blew my nuts off would be an understatement."
- Alan Rorrison (Creator of Theory 11's Smoke)

"When I was first showed this it completly stumped me! so effective but so easy!"
- Chris Webb (Gumslinger, Prime)

Chaos (DVD and Gimmick) by Brad Addams

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